I checked into the V-Con schedule for this weekend and was a little irked to find that it's being held in Richmond this year. We did a panel at V-Con a couple of years ago when it was held in a hotel a few blocks from here and I just assumed it would be in the neighbourhood this year.
Not to worry, I'm still attending and for those of you stopping by here's my schedule:
Saturday, 1pm
Executive Boardroom
Art of the Graphic Story 1 hour
SF and Fantasy in the graphic story from movies like Little Nemo, and Robotech to Manga and Comics. With Roberta Gregory, myself, Julie McGalliard, Rene Walling and Michael Walsh.
Sunday, Noon
Executive Boardroom
Pencils @ High Noon 1 hour
Quick Draw artists compete for audience approval. With moderator Lynne Fahnestalk, Chilam, Toren Atkinson, Jim Beveridge, myself and Tarol Hunt.
Sunday, 1PM
Boardroom A
Self-Promotion & Publicity For Artists and
Cartoonists 1 hour
You can't sell anything if people don't know you have it. How can artists tell people "they got it"? How can they get into the cover business, or make a hit in the fan world? What are the secrets? The mistakes? With myself and Tarol Hunt.
For more information on how to get there and costs and all the other panels you can check out, go here.
Come on, if not for the comic chat, go for the filking!
hey waz up
love the site
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