Monday, September 25, 2006

The auction went well. Didn't place but the can nabbed $125 for the charity. Afterwards we grabbed some dinner, checked out some art supplies on the Island and then headed home. I was surprised how beat I was. The spot I worked in under the tent was chilly and it just went right into my bones. I suppose with all the Canwest events of last week and the Fringe the week before that, it was probably inevitable that at some point I would turn into a total zombie. I passed out early and now here I am at 9am, awake and ready to hit the office.


I'd like to get this batch done by tomorrow, I have 4 pages in process and I'm waiting on some paper for the 5th page (the paper order didn't come in Friday but it's probably there now). It's more realistic that I'll be done on Wednesday and then have the remainder of this issue done next week.

We'll see what today brings.

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