Leah Moore and I did a panel about women in comics that was a lot of fun, made all the more interesting by attendees toting pints.
Afterwards I had a lovely conversation with Leah and Brian Talbot at the bar before the sleepiness crept over again and we crashed early. Weird how we turn into morning people everytime we come out to this part of the world, but it's not so bad considering how much we get done during the day while everything is open.
Sunday morning we were up early and in a cab to the ferry. The driver was woefully locationally challenged and after riding about the Temple Bar district in circles he stopped in the middle of Dame street to get directions from another cabbie... while the meter was running! More roundabout routes, more fuming arguments and we made it to the terminal. Whatever frustrations we ran up were quickly dissipated once were onboard. Vic wanted to get outside for a look so we braved the wind and rain for a few pics
We stumbled back inside very pink cheekd, tangled haired and giggling.
At Holyhead things got really interesting when we picked up a rental car for the rest of our trip. Vic had never driven on the left before so it was a bit of learning curve, one we decided to take slow and easy by rounding the Isle of Angsley before getting onto the motorway through the north of Wales. Saw some breathtaking countryside dotted with lots and lots of sheep. It was my job to navigate and help interpret the signage so no pictures taken on this leg of the journey but it's very deeply burned into our memories, no doubt thanks to the occasional bouts of terror. The roundabouts were (and still are) the toughest bits to understand and are surprising when they turn up in the middle of a freeway.
A couple of hours later and we were in Manchester and checking out the Doctor Who exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry. Wonderful geek fest where among the many props on display was the Face of Boe.
We were then back on the road. A look at the map and a side trip to Blackpool looked like fun so off we went. We arrived by sunset just as the streets were lit up. It was a much bigger spectacle than we expected.
As we drove along the strip we started to notice a lot of Doctor Who themed lights lining the streets, backlit images of the cast and different monsters. We had no idea why untile we saw at the Center Pier a huge Doctor Who Exhibition. Well, we just had to check that out. We found a hotel to crash for the night (it was right next to the roller coaster) and the next day we went for a visit.
This exhibit was much better than the Manchester show because the props weren't just from the new series but from the last forty years of Who including of course, Tom Baker's hat and scarf
That and dozens of monster suits, Daleks and even Pertwee's roadster, Bessie made this visit a blast.
More coming up, including the continuation of our Who pilgrimage at the very heart of it all, Cardiff!
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