Saturday, September 9, 2006

I worked through Wednesday night until about 10am Thursday finishing the costumes. I had gotten some drawing done but was still behind. Got to bed by noon. That evening I was so wrecked from the all-nighters that I just stayed home. Felt like crap. And you know what feeling like crap needs to make it even more of a crap-fest? Waking up to find the wound on my lower lip had decided to stick to my upper lip. BLEAHH!

When Ian came home he was also quite roasted physically and emotionally from all the running around to get the show ready. We both crashed for the night. I woke up at 6am for no reason. Now overslept I couldn't get back to sleep but I was still really tired. Sat around the house for a few hours then crashed again at around 11 am. Woke up at 4pm and decided it was high time to get back to work.

We spent Friday evening in the office and I just whipped through the pages. We took a break to see one of the other Fringe shows over at the Waterfront. Unfortunately it ran long so we were unable to see Riels's show (the Stretched Mouth Rascals) at Midnight across the street. Grr. The Waterfront show was really rough too. Double grr.

After a round of sushi we returned to the office, worked for a few hours and then I packed up the remaining two pages to finish at home.

So here I am on Saturday afternoon, Fed Ex has just picked up the batch and I'm in a very awake phase (I'm sure that will correct itself once my head hits the pillow). On the very bright side, Canadian Mounties vs. Atomic Invaders got a nice review in the Sun. I can't wait to see the show tomorrow night. The feedback on the costumes has been really positive and I want to see them in action.

Oh, that reminds me, I still have to make some dwarf hats for the Snow White scene. *g*

Off to bed.

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