On Friday we decided to ditch the con stress and head out to the San Diego zoo with Ed Brubaker, his very talented wife Mel and several friends (including Michael Christian who inked some of my pencils in the waaaay back days! He works in computer programming now and is doing really well!). It was a very hot afternoon and many of the animals had hidden themselves away for their mid-afternoon naps but we did get to see many snakes and birds, a meerkat or two and of course, the Allen's Swamp Monkey.

The best part, and I wish my camera hadn't gone and buggered up on me so I could show you, there were sea otters sharing the enclosure with these monkeys! It was the coolest thing to see the otters darting in and out of the bushes, get ambushed by a monkey, wrestle a bit and then dive into the many pools within the enclosure. This just doesn't happen in nature right? And yet, there it was and they seemed incredibly happy. Here are two monkeys playing by a waterfall.

When they got tired of playing one made his way up to the edge of a pool near where we were watching. He sat close to the glass and tucked his feet up against it, just curled up in the shade, cooling off his butt in the water.

At that point we lost our group but we all knew there were panels to get back to so it was okay to take off. It was a perfect little afternoon, a much needed break and good lord why have I been going to con for 17 years and never done this before?
The con report will continue, meanwhile back at the office, I'm bouncing between three pages. Should have them done tonight.